Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam

Saturday, September 30, 2006

What's On My Mind: September 30th

Quote of My Day...

"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle."
~Lewis Carroll

My Happiness Today...

I get to buy formula at Wal Mart without kids. Pretty pathetic, huh? Well, if you had two kids in diapers you'd understand how getting a chance to go the store--any store--without children to wrestle with in the cart is a treat. So that is my happiness husband is watching the kids for 1/2 hour so I can buy formula.

What I'm Thinking About Today...

I'm thinking about taking my kids to the local univeristy's homecoming parade. Thinking being the operative word. I have yet to tackle the double stroller in public, let alone fold it up and try and put it in the van. But there will be lots of floats, large character balloons and several marching bands. I know Sam would love it. And, of course, there would be the homecoming court. I never went to one homecoming dance during my high school career. Nor prom. I wasn't into that kind of stuff. I was into sports and my extent of involvement with homecoming was being in the marching band. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't a loser or anything. I wasn't ugly (at least I didn't think so). I was involved in things in high school. Things like swim team, marching band, orchestra, choir, school musicals, church youth group, etc. But dances just were never my thing. I only liked one guy in high school and he was never more than just a friend to me. My crush on him ruined me for other opportunities. So I watched him go to the prom and the homecoming dances with other girls. And yes, it bothered me, but it wasn't the end of the world. He's married now and has two kids. My mother didn't like him so it is a good thing he never liked me back. Thinking about high school is reminding me of my approaching 40th birthday. This isn't a good thing to be thinking about at 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. But thinking about going to a homecoming parade just brings back memories of my homecoming experiences from high school. And that makes me think of people I haven't thought about in a really long time. Like the guy I had a crush on that didn't like me back. He doesn't know what he is least that is what I'm telling myself this morning as I sit here contemplating my life as it was in high school. And I'm really glad I'm not in high school anymore. And I'm really glad he didn't like me back because in everyone's life there has to be someone that got away. There has to be someone that you hope to run into on a day you are looking fabulous (in other words, no formula stains on your shirt, you've had a shower, your makeup looks great, you've lost all the baby weight and more, you are having a good hair day and your beautiful children are there to show off and they are behaving and not smelling like poopy diapers or wearing spaghetti stains on their mouths). Everyone needs to have that chance. Everyone needs to have at least one high school crush to contemplate later in life (when you are approaching 40 and desperate to feel young again).... and make you feel happy he or she got away so you can be with the spouse you have and be a parent to the children you have. That's what I'm thinking about today.

Now, if I can just figure out how to collapse the double jog stroller and get it in the van...

SAHM Product I LOVE Today...

There is a company called the "Good Home Company" that makes cleaning products. Expensive cleaning products. I don't use them they are so expensive. But I do use one of their products that isn't really a cleaning product and that is their vacum cleaner beads. I have the lavender scent. The cost is $13 for a bottle but you only use 12 -14 beads per vaccum bag and you get like 100 beads in a bottle. When you put in a new bag in your vacuum, you add more beads. Anyway, the way this works is the beads send off a great smell every time you vacuum. A smell that sticks around for awhile. It is a great product. Try it...

SAHM Product I Hate today...

I hate my razor. I hate that I don't have time to shave my legs everyday. Doesn't matter what kind of razor it is because it sits in my shower and calls out to me to use it. But the screaming baby I hear despite the running water is calling me to come and hold him, change his diaper, feed him or burp him. So the razor gets ignored and I hate it. It is a constant reminder that I'm no longer the woman who shaves her legs (all the way up the thighs) and armpits every single day no matter what. I'm the kind of woman who is lucky she gets her hair and body washed daily. I'm a mother...

My iTunes MOM Picks of the Day...

Today the music is all about me....I'm in a selfish mood! Here are some of my favorites from my iPod:

  • "Meaning" by Gavin DeGraw
  • "Collide" by Howie Day
  • "Secondhand Heart" by Will Hoge
  • "Here Comes my Baby" by Cat Stevens
  • "My Dog & Me" by John Hiatt
  • "Stumbling to Bethlehem" by Patti Scialfa
  • "Bare" by Matt Nathenson
  • "Better Days" by Rockwell Church
  • "I'll Fly Away" by Jars of Clay
  • "One" by Tait
  • "Dark Clouds" by Soozie Tyrell
  • "Till it Shines" by Lyle Lovett and Keb Mo


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