Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Sam, playing at the park yesterday...

Quote of My Day

"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?"
~Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

My Happiness Today

Yesterday Henry had me up at 4:00 am and wouldn't let me go back to bed. He was wide awake. Today I had the pleasure of two extra hours at both ends--he let me go to bed at 9:30 and let me sleep until 6:00 this morning. So I'm well rested and that is making me happy. Motherhood is making me recognize the simple things in life that make me happy...

What's On My Mind Today

Snakes. I hate them. I mean really hate them. Raiders of the Lost Ark wasn't a great movie because of that scene where they are hanging over a pit of snakes. I had nightmares for years after seeing that movie. Last night I dreamed about snakes taking over my house. I can only attribute that to the fact that yesterday morning I found a snake in my stroller which was inside my screened-in porch. How peachy. Anyway, I freaked and called Dear Husband (name I am now calling my husband when he is being a good husband--i.e. ignoring all my clutter, fixing things around the house, watching the kids, etc. And by the way, he is "Dear Husband" just about every day of the week) and I was advised to leave the snake and stroller alone and if it was still there when he got home he'd kill it. So, I couldn't relax because I knew that snake had been one step closer to being inside my house and thus causing much undo anxiety. Needless to say, Dear Husband was the one who put the snake puzzle pieces together and figured out that the snake probably wanted to find somewhere warm to hang and the porch door is busted so it probably arrived in my house via the porch door. Now, let's talk about the porch door. Full of gaps in the frame that let bugs go in and out. At the top there is a gap big enough for a bird to come in (well, a small bird) if it wanted (and my husband wonders why I don't want to hang out on the porch with him and watch television). The people who owned this house before us didn't know how to hang a door so we are stuck with this crooked door with holes in the screen and a latch that doesn't hold. Friday morning the door was really put to the test when our dog, Gyro, decided to bust through the door and escape. She took with her our other dog, Ernie, and two cats. One of the cats was happy to be out and the other was scared stiff and most likely just followed along with the rest of the group and then realized he was out in the real world and not quite sure how to handle it. He is still getting over his adventure of Friday. I discovered this escape while sitting in my living room feeding Henry and gazing out the window over my cup of joe. While doing so, I noticed my two dogs running down the street barking after a man in a golf cart (we live near a golf course and some of our neighbors have their own personal golf carts that they drive past our house to get to the course). So, I put the baby down and had to chase my dogs half a block down the street to get them to come back. So that is how the screened-in porch door got to the point that a snake could get in. Not that it was a good door before Friday, but after the canine/feline escape fiasco, the door is worse. Now the good side of that is that Dear Husband might just see the light and get us a new door. New screens for the windows would be nice to but I think that is pushing it.

So last night the Raiders of the Lost Ark snake dreams returned. And on my mind today are snakes and what I am going to do if I encounter another one on my porch or anywhere in the vicinity of my house. I just hate them...

Funny Video of the Day

I really don't have anything against blondes...

My iTunes Kid Picks of the Day

I'm too overwhelmed with visions of snakes to list music today. Go to iTunes and discover a new artist and/or song yourself. It is great fun...


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